Atwell College

Educational Philosophy

The Atwell College education philosophy is based on the Atwell College core values supported by the pillars of: opportunity, environment and connection. Values development occurs through student engagement in the Western Australia Curriculum, student participation in Atwell College life and students being part of the Atwell Community.

The community expects students to have the opportunity to learn and participate and to achieve. Students in their 6 years of schooling will experience middle years pastoral care support in Years 7, 8 and 9 and further education towards university, training and/or employment readiness in Years 10, 11 and 12.

All students of all abilities are supported within the expectations of families, students and Atwell College. Communication between the college, families and students is expected to be regular and consistent ultimately supporting student engagement, enjoyment and achievement.

Atwell College seeks all appropriate opportunities to be connected to the community through student and community interaction. Fundamental to the college is the understanding between staff and students that everyone is part of a community. A community is as strong, vibrant and enthusiastic as are the individual members of that community. As a community based secondary college Atwell College demonstrates commitment to the aspirations of our community.